Author Archives : Ariane Mayer

Chapter 4: Remarks on the notion of hypertext

Hypertext is a text where it is possible to activate algorithmic functions. And if the interest of the algorithm is its invaraiability, the interest of a noetic psychic individual is its variability: this is where negentropy and novelty come from. The problem is to know how to articulate them together.

Chapter 4: Remarks about experience

An experience is always about something new, about what I have not categorized yet but what I can deal with because I have categories for that. We can not simply decide to change our categories in order to do it, a work must be done and we can not interrupt it. A psychic individual wants […]

Chapter 2: Categorization and psychic individuation

In this seminar, we must think of the condition for passing from coindividuation to transindividuation, that is to say the production of categories, with focusing on what happens inside us first. When five individuals take notes, they are all different because nobody has the same secondary psychical retentions. This is a wealth, because categorization is […]

Chapter 1: From note taking to individuation

Categorization is produced by a co-individuation process. For example, when Albert Enstein defined, and therefore categorized, general relativity, it was a result of processes of co-individuation of Albert Einstein with numerous people, including with himself. This co-individuation process leads to — and Plato said the same thing in different words — a transindividuation process, that is […]

Chapter 4: A new standard of annotation and indexation

It is our charge to define a way to organize the academic work within digital organology with: ways to annotate and to index, processes of transindividuation that will emerge from these practices, and by exposing some spaces of digital controversy. Then, it will be about making these new standards work with new kinds of corresponding search […]

Chapter 3: Theoretical proposals 2

This video shows three theoretical propositions of the contributive categorization working group: 1. Digital organology There is no categorization and transidinviduation without an organology, and the digital constitutes a new organology of categorization (it is fundamentally an organology of indexation and annotation). 2. Metadata management of spatial and temporal objects Since its beginning, the Institute […]